Windsor High School and Sixth Form, Richmond Street, Halesowen, B63 4BB
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

CNAT Information Technology

Curriculum Intent

Our mission is to ensure students gain a broad range of digital skills to prepare them for the ever evolving digital world.

Course description

Not to be chosen with Computer Science

Exam Board: OCR

Our Cambridge National in IT will inspire and equip students with the confidence to use skills that are relevant to the IT sector and more widely. It covers the use of IT in the digital world, Internet of Everything, data manipulation, human-computer interface (HCI) and augmented reality.


R050 IT in the Digital World - In this unit you will learn about design and testing concepts for creating an IT solution or product and the uses of IT in the digital world.

R060 Data manipulation using spreadsheets - In this unit you will learn how to plan, design, create, test and evaluate a data manipulation spreadsheet solution to meet client’s requirements. You will be able to evaluate your solution based on the user requirements.

R070 Using Augmented Reality to present information - In this unit you will learn how to design, create, test and review and Augmented Reality model prototype to meet a client’s requirements.

Key Skills

Our Cambridge National in IT will enable students to:

  • Understand, apply and use IT appropriately and effectively for the purpose and audience.
  • Develop learning and practical skills that can be applied to real-life contexts and work situations.
  • Think creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically.
  • Develop independence and confidence in using skills that would be relevant to the IT sector and more widely.
  • Plan, design, create, test and evaluate/review IT solutions and products which are fit for purpose and meeting user/client requirements and apply design and Human Computer Interface (HCI) considerations appropriate for a defined audience.

Where can it take me?

This course will enable students to progress into further education at level 3, onto an apprenticeship or into the workplace.

The level 3 course offered at Windsor Sixth Form will consist of units that are a progression of the units studied in level 2.

Further information

Please contact: Ms J Tibbetts - Faculty Director of Business and IT

CNAT Digital Information Technology - Subject Course Overview