Students in Years 10 and 11 study up to four subject options alongside the core subjects of English, Maths, Science, PE and Work Related Learning, Personal Social Health and Education (PSHE) and Religious Studies.
At Windsor High School and Sixth Form we offer a directed choice and students are given a range of support from subject Teachers, Form Tutors and Heads of House to ensure students have a strong academic core to their selected choices. Students will be directed onto either the English Baccalaureate Pathway (EBacc) or Pathway B. Pathways are guided in order to maximise a student's progress, attainment and develop their skills for further education or career path.
Further information on this year's Options process and the curriculum outlines for core Computing, Physical Education, Personal Social Health and Education (PSHE) and Religious Studies can be found below.
For students who are entering Key Stage 4, there are a significant range of courses available, including examination programmes as well as vocational and applied courses. You may be introduced to a range of new subjects to study at Windsor High School and Sixth Form, as well as building on your knowledge and understanding of many of the subjects that you are studying in Key Stage 3.
Year 9 students begin the process of selecting their GCSE option subjects in February/March of Year 9. For current Year 9 students the process will begin on Friday 9th February 2024, where our Options Information Booklet will go live on this page below. The booklet will outline the subjects that are available from September 2024.
On Thursday 7th March 2024 we will host our Year 9 Options Evening where parents/carers and students will be able to speak to subject specialists to find out more about the subjects on offer, as well as answer any questions you may have about the process. There will be a period of two weeks after this for you and your child to make choices.
This year, students will be directed to a pathway of either the English Baccalaureate Pathway (EBacc) or Pathway B. Students on the EBacc pathway will be directed to study core subjects, in addition to a language, and either Geography, World History or Ancient History. Students on Pathway B will be directed to complete core subjects and either a language, Geography or World History. Students on Pathway B will also have the opportunity to study a language for the English Baccalaureate as well if they wish to.
Parents/carers will be sent a copy of their child's directed Options form where they will be able to choose their subjects. They will be asked to check with you that you are happy with their choices before they submit their Options form.
The deadline for the submission of Option Forms is Friday 22nd March 2024.
Your Form Tutors, class Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, Faculty Directors, Pastoral staff and our Careers Adviser are all able to support you when choosing your options and answer any questions you might have.