Windsor High School and Sixth Form, Richmond Street, Halesowen, B63 4BB
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

Pupil Premium

At Windsor High School and Sixth Form, all members of staff, including LAB members, accept the responsibility of ensuring that Pupil Premium Grant is used effectively to support the progress of and narrow the achievement gap for those students who qualify for this funding.


The Pupil Premium Grant is allocated to children from low-income families who are, or have been, eligible for free school meals (FSM), children of service personnel and children who have been looked-after (LAC).

The objective of our spending of Pupil Premium funding is to improve the attainment and progress of students eligible for the Pupil Premium, relative to those students that are not eligible (both in-school and nationally). We have used research compiled by the ‘Education Endowment Foundation’ to best steer our approach and budget allocation (the best results come from promoting metacognition, improving feedback and utilising pastoral interventions).

No student, regardless of their socio-economic background, should be denied the right to maximise their potential. We aim to use the Pupil Premium funding to remove barriers – to raise the aspirations and achievement of, and the opportunities for disadvantaged students. Some of the barriers that we endeavour to overcome include EAL (we have a number of disadvantaged students for whom English is their second language), access to books and reading material, access to computers and the internet, key resources (e.g. calculators), funding for trips.