Windsor High School and Sixth Form, Richmond Street, Halesowen, B63 4BB
Part of Windsor Academy Trust
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Year 7 Enterprise Club

11th April 2022

Our Year 7 Enterprise Club did a great job at Christmas on their first project making and selling Christmas decorations from their £10 start up, where they made a small profit. With the desire to build on this success they were soon working on a plan for their next venture. Through the Windsor principles of being responsible, compassionate and creative the students decided that any profit at the end of their second project should be donated to Cancer Research UK.

Their enthusiasm has been infectious and students were keen to develop Easter themed products to sell, including cards and sweet cones. They also wanted to hold an Easter raffle, with the desire of increasing their profit and thus making progress towards their target £100 donation to Cancer Research. Students drafted letters to local businesses requesting for donations that could be used as raffle prizes and were soon contacted by Academic Choice, the Co-op, Once in a Balloon Moon and a parent.  Pictures of the prizes and winners are below!

Through their determination they have exceeded their target and raised over £290! As a school we are extremely proud of our young entrepreneurs who are keen to develop their next business venture for the summer term. Well done!

The winner of the first prize, the huge chocolate egg, has very generously decided that she will give this to her mum's work as a prize in a raffle they are holding to raise money for Myeloma UK, a blood cancer charity. Well done! 

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