Windsor High School and Sixth Form, Richmond Street, Halesowen, B63 4BB
Part of Windsor Academy Trust
bronnie talk concert

Interactive Workshop on Mental Health

5th October 2021

On Monday 4th October, we welcomed Bronnie, a singer, into school to perform and lead on an interactive workshop for Years 7 and 8.

Bronnie discussed mental health, the causes of mental health problems (stress at school, relationships etc.), a time when she had her own mental health issues, who to turn to for help and the importance of speaking up. She also spoke about the stresses of the last year during the pandemic, the loss we might all have felt and how we can all better handle the unpredictability and hardship of it all.

She linked mental health to body image, which has become a real issue for the younger generation linked to social media. She went on to discuss the importance of treating each other fairly, why diversity should be celebrated, what to do if you're being discriminated against and why it is wrong to discriminate against other people all linked to LGBTQ+ issues.  The session included songs from Bronnie and she gave students the opportunity to ask questions. 

 It was a well-received event and all the students loved it.