Windsor High School and Sixth Form, Richmond Street, Halesowen, B63 4BB
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

Harry Potter Science Event

20th October 2023

To mark Harry Potter Book Day the school Library closed on Monday lunchtime for some wonderful wizarding events. Our Science Technicians created some fantastic science experiments based on parts of the books.

The Sorting Station - the students had to pick a sample from 20 beakers containing different colourless liquids and then add the 'sorting solution' to reveal the colour of the Hogwarts House they were in - the solutions turned either red, yellow, green or blue, based on the chemical present.
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Potions and Spells - this was a series of demonstrations that the students watched and they had to work out, based on the colour that the chemical reaction revealed, what sort of spell/potion it was, e.g. the pink colour was revealed to be a 'love potion'.
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Levitation Spells - four different experiments which used static electricity to move objects; by rubbing balloons on their blazers the students were able to create enough charge to move a can of Polyjuice Potion and levitate the 'wings' of the golden snitch, without physically touching them.
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Shoot the Dementor - this was a fun experiment where the students used an Airzooka to create a doughnut shaped ball of air, which they aimed towards our homemade Dementor in an effort to ruffle its cloak and make it move.
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Year 8 student Akarsha said:

Many people from different Houses came to this Harry Potter event. All were very excited to see the different science equipment. I was very excited, as many people and I are Harry Potter fans. There were four activities in total including mixing chemicals to find out which Hogwarts house you would be in,  levitation spells with balloons, attacking the Dementor and finally some quizzes and word searches. This has been a great event as many people and I have enjoyed it."

Thank you to the Science Technicians for creating this wonderful, magical session!

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