Windsor High School and Sixth Form, Richmond Street, Halesowen, B63 4BB
Part of Windsor Academy Trust


At Windsor High School and Sixth Form, safeguarding is of paramount importance. We work tirelessly to ensure our students are safe, happy and supported in fulfilling their potential.

Our Ofsted report highlights the strong culture of safeguarding at our school and that students feel very safe and well looked after. This view is also supported by student, staff and parent surveys.

Should you have a concern regarding the safety or wellbeing of any child, please report this to the child's Head of House or one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads listed below.

Designated safeguarding leads

Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are:

  • Mrs Hannan - Lead
  • Mr Campbell-Roberts
  • Mrs Dhanoya
  • Ms Downer
  • Mr Evans
  • Miss Freear
  • Mr Hussain
  • Mr Leathem-Pugh
  • Mr Mortelmans
  • Mr Perks

School Help Advice Reporting Page (SHARP) System

Got something to say but not sure how?

Seen something that you're not comfortable with?

The SHARP system allows young people to report any incidents which occur within the school and local community anonymously and without fear.  Aside from the reporting tool SHARP delivers educational content to raise awareness on a wide range of subjects including: Bullying, Health, Community Issues, Weapons and Hate Crime.

This is a confidential way to stop you or a friend or someone you know from suffering.

SHARP System


Keeping Children Safe in Education

Keeping Children Safe in Education

You can read translated versions of the Department for Education's Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance by clicking the link below.

 Keeping Children Safe in Education translations

Educate Against Hate

Educate Against Hate gives practical advice on protecting children from extremism and radicalisation. You can view the website here.

Prevent and Countering Extremism in Young People Advice and Guidance for Parents and Carers

Healthy and Respectful Relationships

We understand that forming healthy, positive relationships helps children and young people feel safe and supported, but being in an unhealthy relationship can have a negative impact on our wellbeing and development.
Students in unhealthy relationships may feel anxious and nervous or not free to make their own decisions. They might have low self-esteem and depression, experience headaches or have other ongoing physical health symptoms.  Our staff understand the importance of healthy relationships and are vigilant in recognising when something is wrong in a young person’s relationship and take appropriate action to keep them safe.

We provide below links to information that families may find useful:

Useful websites and information


Family Lives website - Bullying


Anti-bullying Alliance



The Children's Society

Child Safety

NSPCC - types of child abuse

Child Accident Prevention Trust

Child Safety Week information

The Mix - crime and safety

Child Exploitation (CE)

NSPCC - Child sexual exploitation


Be Aware of Child Exploitation

Domestic Violence

Women's Aid


Family Lives

Dudley Safe and Sound Partnership

Domestic Abuse posters in different languages:

English, Urdu, Arabic, Polish, Romanian, Punjabi, Mandarin


Talk to Frank

The Mix


Know IT All for Parents

National Online Safety - safety guides and tips about various online platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok

Virgin Media Children's Online Safety Test

O2 keeping kids safe online resources

Go Compare Broadband Parental Control

NSPCC - Free Virtual Online Safety Workshop for Parents

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Feminist Majority Foundation

Young Minds

Forced Marriage

International Child Abduction

Central Authority for England and Wales


Stonewall, the leading charity and organisation for the LGBT+ community, have produced advice for parents/carers who think their child may be gay

Local Authority Safeguarding Information

Dudley Council

Mental Health 

Young Minds

Family Lives



Black Country Mental Health

Children's Society

Dr Radha's Wellbeing Tips



The Mix - essential support for under 25s

The WHAT? Centre

Happier Minds 

Prevent Duty

Educate Against Hate - Prevent and Countering
Extremism in Young People - Advice and Guidance for Parents and Carers


Virtual College - Understanding Young Minds (free online course)

Young Minds

Advice for Parents

Parentzone - provides support and guidance for parents from leading experts

Parentwise - A helping hand for parents and carers

London Grid for Learning - guides for being safe outside of the school building

Dudley Parents - a one stop shop for parenting advice