Windsor High School and Sixth Form, Richmond Street, Halesowen, B63 4BB
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

Exam Results

You can view our Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 (Sixth Form) exam results and other performance measures below.  

Students at our school make excellent progress and consistently achieve good results. We have a strong reputation for academic success and are extremely proud of the students at Windsor High School and Sixth Form. For the eighth successive year, our students have made more progress than other students nationally. 

Key Stage 4 exam and assessment results

Measure 2023
Progress 8 +0.07
Average Attainment 8 grade 4.66
Percentage of students gaining a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in both maths and English 42%
Percentage of students gaining a standard pass (grade 4 or above) in both maths and English


Percentage of Year 11 taking Ebacc  32%
Ebacc average points score 3.94
Percentage of Year 11 gaining a strong pass in Ebacc (Maths and English measured at grade 5 or above) 15% 
Percentage of Year 11 gaining a standard pass in Ebacc (Maths and English measured at grade 4 or above) 20.1% 
Destinations (percentage of students staying in education or employment)  95%

Progress 8

All secondary schools are judged on the amount of progress that their students make. This is known as the 'Progress 8' measure. This is the main headline measure by which schools are ranked and is published in the secondary school performance tables.

What does Progress 8 measure?

Progress 8 calculates how much progress students make between their results in Year 6 and their results in Year 11 (GCSEs). It is a 'value-added' measure, meaning students' results are compared to the achievements of other students across the country with similar Year 6 results.

A school's Progress 8 score is an average of all students' individual scores. It shows whether, as a group, students in the school made above or below average progress compared to similar students in other schools.

A value of 0 is the national average and therefore a figure above 0 is above average. A negative value would be below the national average.

Our Progress 8 score is +0.07. This means the progress made by students at our school was above average.

Attainment 8

Attainment 8 is a measure of a student’s average grade across a set suite of eight subjects. Our average Attainment 8 grade is 5.00, this is above the national score of 4.88.


We operated a free option choice for the Year 11 students that completed their GCSEs in 2018. As a consequence, 16% of students studied courses that would give them the complete suite of Ebacc subjects.

The Ebacc headline measure is an average score of performance of all students in the Ebacc subjects, even if they did not study the full suite of those subjects.

Our score of 4.04 is in line with the national score of 4.07.

Key Stage 5 results

We had another fantastic set of results this year. This is a testament to the hard work and dedication shown by our students and staff. Our students can be proud of what they have achieved, demonstrating our commitment to excellence for all students.

Students are progressing onto a wide range of destinations including university and higher apprenticeships.

We are delighted that the A Level and BTEC results continue to increase and are excellent again this year as our Sixth Form flourishes. We wish all of our students well as they move on to University or new careers.

16-18 Performance Tables

Measure 2023
Attainment measure for A Levels  C+
Attainment measure for Academic qualifications C+
Attainment measure for Applied General Qualifications Distinction -
Attainment measure for Tech Level Qualifications (4 students) Distinction *