Windsor High School and Sixth Form, Richmond Street, Halesowen, B63 4BB
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

Mental Health Ambassadors Newsletter

10th May 2024

Windsor High School and Sixth Form’s Mental Health Ambassadors are based in D25 every Monday and Wednesday lunchtime and are there for students who need to talk.


Due to things like phones and social media, it’s becoming more complicated to keep track of what is happening with your child. Below are some useful tips our Mental Health Ambassadors have come up with to encourage honest and open conversations with your child.

Talk it Out

Have open conversations with your child about their feelings. Let them know it's okay to not be okay and that you're there to listen without judgment.

Lead by Example

Show your child the importance of self-care by taking care of your own mental health. Whether it's going for a stroll, practicing mindfulness, or just taking a breather, make sure to have some “me-time."

Stay in the Know

Educate yourself about mental health so you can better understand what your child might be going through. Knowledge is power, and it's a great way to support your child.

Encourage Healthy mindful habits

Promote regular exercise, balanced meals, and a good night's sleep. Physical health and mental health go hand in hand!

Validate Their Feelings

Let your child know that it's normal to experience a range of emotions. Validating their feelings can help them feel understood and supported.

Seek Professional Help if Needed

If you notice persistent signs of a change in your child, such as low mood, anxiety, and depression, don’t hesitate to seek professional support from school who can assist you with a reflexions referral.

Lunchtime Clubs

Your child can also attend the lunchtime clubs that our Mental Health Ambassadors help run every week on Mondays and Wednesdays in D25 to help students with mindfulness and wellbeing. The aim of these clubs is to encourage and promote positive mental health through various activities, e.g. dancing and games.

Mindfulness Monday, 12.50pm to 1.20pm – open to students in Years 7 and 8, in D25.

Wellbeing Wednesday, 12.50pm to 1.20pm - open to students in Years 7 and 8, in D25.

Tips for Staying Safe on the Internet

  • Ensure your child has secure internet connection (No public Wi-Fi).
  • Encourage your child to use strong yet different passwords for all their accounts.
  • Ensure your child does not share their passwords and real information.
  • It's recommended that parents/carers enable parental controls on devices.

For more help or tips you and your child can also:

  • Visit the ‘Safer Internet’ website (link below)
  • Contact trained helpline counsellors.
  • Speak to the Mental Health Ambassadors at Windsor High School and Sixth Form.
  • View the document below, ‘Safe and Healthy Habits Online’

Safer Internet website

Safe and Healthy Habits Online