Windsor High School and Sixth Form, Richmond Street, Halesowen, B63 4BB
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

Driving Change Together: Our Sustainability Journey

5th May 2023

Back in March, our Windsor Academy Trust (WAT) CEO,  Dawn Haywood and our Director of Operations , Chris Berry,  presented at the World Education Summit. They shared our Sustainability strategy, highlighted our achievements thus far, and outlined our ambitious plans to reach net zero by 2030.

Journey Towards a Sustainable Future

Our journey towards sustainability has been remarkable, and we are proud of the positive impact our efforts have had on our staff, students, and communities. WAT's investments in LED lighting, solar PV, energy management systems, thermal upgrades, and green heating technologies have contributed to a greener and more sustainable environment.

Empowering Students Through Education

One of the most rewarding aspects of our sustainability journey is witnessing the effect our curriculum and in-school initiatives have on our students' knowledge and desire for change. We are committed to nurturing the next generation of sustainability leaders, empowering them to make a difference in their communities and the world.

A Student's Perspective: Farida's Impactful Speech

We must give full credit to Farida, a Year 11 student and our Head Girl. She is passionate about sustainability  and recently spoke to a global community at the World Education Summit about this. Her eloquent and passionate speech about her personal aspirations for the planet's sustainability, as well as those of Windsor Academy Trust and Windsor High School and Sixth Form, was truly inspiring. Farida stole the show and reminded us all of the importance of empowering the younger generation to make a positive impact on the environment.

Discovering Our Journey Together

We invite you to learn more about our sustainability journey and the WAT Family's dedication to a greener future by watching our short sustainability film below.